
auriston Girls’ School runs an innovative and exciting Arts Festival biennially where the school community celebrates the breadth and depth of creative and artistic talent at the school. It is a major event run over a number of weeks and involving all departments. After much discussion it was decided that for 2015 the Library, in collaboration with the English Department and the Lauriston FabLab, would showcase the creative writing talents of our students. Through the FabLab students were able to develop a fusion between the written word and technology.

In their unit of work on Alice in Wonderland Year 7 students were asked to think about poetry creatively and to move from writing their own poetry in a linear way to the presentation of ideas and poetry using other dimensions. The aim was to create a 3D model that would be a visual representation of a poem and that would bring the poetic ideas and words to life in an exciting way. While many students chose to construct their poems in simple 2D shapes such as Cheshire cats, teapots and hats, others tackled the more difficult task of presenting their poem in an innovative 3D model.