From Teacher to School Librarian Leader and Instructional Partner: A Proposed Transformation Framework for Educators of Preservice School Librarians

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From Teacher to School Librarian Leader and Instructional Partner: A Proposed Transformation Framework for Educators of Preservice School Librarians. (2019). Synergy, 16(1).


As early as the 5th Century BC, the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, is quoted as saying, "The only thing constant is change". This change still occurs in schools today, so it is urgent that we embrace the challenge of preparing future librarians in today’s technological world and innovative society. To keep pace with today’s digital world takes a dramatic change in the structure, culture and direction of the school. School librarian preparation programs must equip our students with skills to become transformational school leaders and instructional partners. The proposed model, the Six Ts of Transformation, can inform educators in preparation programs. Through the use of this framework by educators, preservice school librarians can be transformed into leaders and change agents that impact the entire school community.