
In this edition we have again gathered together a range of eclectic but, I hope, informative and engaging articles from both local and international sources that will offer something for each one of SLAV’s members. From an organisational perspective I’d like to acknowledge some changes. Camilla Elliott has been the author of the section titled Learning Landscapes in Synergy for a number of years. She has done an exemplary job sharing with us her views on the changing nature of libraries and learning. With this first edition of Synergy for 2012 we are implementing a change to this section. Camilla, who we thank for her excellent work, will remain a member of the Synergy board but in the future the section will authored by guest writers for a year at a time. During 2012 the author of the section will be Anne Whisken, the Head of Resource Centre, Mellor Library at Carey Baptist Grammar School. We welcome Anne to this role and look forward to her perspective on our ever-changing learning landscapes.